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Asian Journal: Authentic Buddha Dharma that is Irrefutable and Scientifically Incontrovertible

Kaichu Rinpoche

News link: https://www.asianjournal.com/features/people/authentic-buddha-dharma-that-is-irrefutable-and-scientifically-incontrovertible/

March 20, 2021

Authentic Buddha Dharma that is Irrefutable and Scientifically Incontrovertible

Originally reported by Jiang Qing in U.S. Headline News –  “Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform,” a test for verifying Buddhist practitioners’ realization power, has overturned a thousand-year-old belief that those who had left footprints in rocks were Holy Gurus. The fact is no one ever witnessed in person the foot impressions actually being made on the rocks by the feet of people who purported to be Holy Gurus. They could very well have been manually chiseled. Recently, however, an awe-inspiring event actually occurred and was witnessed: Kaichu Rinpoche, a Buddhist elder approaching 90 years of age, demonstrated the fact that by practicing authentic Buddha Dharma, one can attain a holy constitution with holy tendons and bones. He outperformed a Champion Strongman of Asia when “Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform.”

Kaichu Jiaozun lifted a Pestle at a weight 26 levels above his base weight standard.

Lv Xiao is a professionally trained strongman who represented China in a Strongman competition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2014. He competed against participants from seven countries and won the Asian Strongman Championship. In December 2019, he performed “Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” in Shenyang. Being the strongest man in over 3 billion people in all of Asia, he was unable to lift the Vajra Pestle at the same weight that Elder Kaichu did. More importantly, their ages and body weights were starkly different, and their performances were totally disproportional in comparison.

Lv Xiao is 36 years old and weighed 350 pounds. Elder Kaichu is 89 years old and weighed 178 pounds. Lv Xiao is a strongman by profession and has undergone long-term training. Elder Kaichu, on the other hand, has never done any strength training. All he does on a daily basis is learn from Buddha to cultivate his own conduct. Just recently, the weight of the Pestle Elder Kaichu lifted was 26 levels above his base weight standard. No one nor any Buddhist of the same age and weight class in this world has ever been able to attain Elder Kaichu’s holy physical power. Jin Yanping and Tsui Lei Tat in Hong Kong made it publicly known through news media that they have set up an award of US$5 million for anyone who successfully matches the weight level that the Elder Kaichu achieves.

Many strongmen have attempted to perform the lift. Yet up to now, no one is able to match the 26 levels that Elder Kaichu has achieved in surpassing his own base weight standard. Elder Kaichu said, “The reason I am able to accomplish both Tummo and Vajra Dharma is that I have learned true Buddha Dharma transmitted by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III. As a result, my physical body, bones, and tendons have transformed from ordinary to holy. I used to be very weak and sickly. I had stomach disease, diabetes, knee problems, gout, and was so weak that I couldn’t even lift 10 pounds. All my illnesses have now vanished.”

Wangzha Shangzun
Wangzha Shangzun, also known as Nick Best, lifted a 2,791-pound human carousel in the State of Georgia.

Nick Best, the world’s “Grandfather of Strongmen,” has set a strength record that nobody of the same age and weight class has ever been able to reach throughout human history.

He once lifted a human carousel of 2,791 pounds in the State of Georgia. Not one of the several “Strongest Men in History” present, who were younger in age and heavier in body weight than him, was able to lift the same. Nick Best is known as the “Grandfather of Strongmen.”

In his reply to an attorney’s question, he said, “I have cultivated and studied the real Buddha Dharma under Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III. The Buddha Dharma greatly altered the composition of my body, as well as my mind and spiritual state. My strength utterly changed. Namo Dorje Chang Buddha III is my Buddha Master to whom I owe the utmost gratitude. I am able to teach the physical training involved in becoming a strongman.

However, that alone will not enable you to reach my level. My strength also derives from the blessings of Buddha Dharma.” He also stated that Buddha Dharma cannot be transmitted lightly.

Based on the two examples above, it is clear that fake Buddha Dharma cannot enable anyone to attain a holy physical constitution or power. It is undebatable that only authentic Buddha Dharma can transform an ordinary body to a holy constitution. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III possesses authentic Buddha Dharma. By learning Dharma from His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III, a Buddhist practitioner can attain realization power that allows them to surpass the physical makeup and power of a strongman. This ironclad fact that an ordinary body can be transformed to a holy constitution is irrefutable and scientifically incontrovertible. This is an unequivocal and objective fact. Whereas, practicing fake Buddha Dharma cannot enable one to transform their physical or mental state, but rather, their physical state and power will remain that of an ordinary person. Fake Buddha Dharma cannot enable a practitioner to generate beneficial effects. Without beneficial effects, naturally, there is no accomplishment to speak of.

This is a factual conclusion that can be deduced by rational thinking. In history, Shakyamuni Buddha manifested miraculous power in Rajgir when holding a stone lion, outperforming all powerful strongmen. When Guru Padmasambhava was challenging the Shenrab Miwoche lineage, he manifested the power of Vajra Zhaoji to perform “Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” with a Vajra hook, thereby subjugating the Bon practitioners. If anyone claims that their Buddha Dharma is authentic and that they hold true Buddha Dharma, yet in reality, their physical constitution and strength are no different than that of an ordinary person, can they possibly be considered as having attained realization power? Could it be possible that one who derives realization power from practicing Buddha Dharma cannot even demonstrate a whit of extraordinary physical strength?

Link: https://greatprajna.org/2021/03/23/asian-journal-authentic-buddha-dharma-that-is-irrefutable-and-scientifically-incontrovertible/

AJ_Authentic Buddha Dharma that is Irrefutable and Scientifically Incontrovertible_3-20-2021_PDF

Online news AJ_Authentic Buddha Dharma that is Irrefutable and Scientifically Incontrovertible_3-20-2021 PDF

Asian Journal: Authentic Buddha Dharma that is Irrefutable and Scientifically Incontrovertible

Link: https://dharma-hhdorjechangbuddhaiii.org/asian-journal-authentic-buddha-dharma-that-is-irrefutable-and-scientifically-incontrovertible/

#DorjeChangBuddhaIII #DorjeChangBuddha #HHDorjeChangBuddhaIII#MasterWanKoYee #MasterYiYunGao #KaichuRinpoche #WangzhaShangZun #strongman #NickBest

發表於 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛News新聞報導

世界和平獎頒獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會聯合決議:南無第三世多杰羌佛退回世界佛教教皇冊封令和教皇權杖是無效的 / The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together With Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council: The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable






世界日報 2020年9月26日報導:



2020年9月24日,世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會主席Suzi Leggett女士來到世界佛教總部所屬的聖蹟寺,代表世界和平獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會作出終極宣布:H.H.第三世多杰羌佛退回佛教教皇的冊封令和教皇權杖是無效的,世界佛教教皇只能屬於H.H.第三世多杰羌佛,任何人無權代替得了!


在本次的宣布中,Leggett主席說:“幾十年來,本會給裡根總統、印度聖雄甘地、拉賓總理以及很多國家的總統、總理頒授了世界和平獎,從沒有退回的先例, 凡是本會做出的決定並已經實施了的,是十分嚴肅認真的決定,絕不予以更改。……H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛教皇退回教皇權杖及冊封令的做法是不成立的,世界佛教教皇權座只屬於H.H.第三世多杰羌佛,其他任何人不得使用,此為永久性不可更變的定論!”由於H.H.第三世多杰羌佛還是拒絕接受,當場,Leggett主席將被H.H.第三世多杰羌佛退回的冊封令和教皇權杖,再次交給了世界佛教總部。


下面即是世界和平獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會主席Suzi Leggett宣讀的兩會聯合決議:




鑑於各宗派法王、祖師、大師均只能統領自屬的宗派,不具備此合格道行證量作為整個佛教的統領,而唯一只有佛陀身份是整個佛教統攝之皇,猶如上帝統攝天主教的一切,予以指導總綱教義。從釋迦牟尼佛史至今,世界上真正被所有各大教派認證的佛陀只有一位,就是 H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛,其由各大教派領袖、法王、攝政王、大活佛寫的認證書、附議賀函達一百多份,成為史無二人的認證壯舉,特別是其實質性的佛陀證量、五明高峰圓滿無缺,是整個佛教的第一人,無私德境受人愛敬,其佛陀的本質、體質,也只有H.H.第三世多杰羌佛教皇一人具備,世界上沒有第二位佛教高僧大德圓滿具備。


因此,「世界和平獎頒獎委員會」及「世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會」在2018年1月正式冊封世界佛教教皇為 H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛,但是,當時H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛教皇拒絕接受冊封接杖,其理由是:“佛教界有佛、菩薩、法王、活佛、法師、高僧大德、聖德的稱謂,不需要教皇,我是一個慚愧的修行者,擔當不了這個重任。”鑑於此,世界佛教總部代H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛接受冊封,領走了權杖。


幾十年來,本會給裡根總統、印度聖雄甘地、拉賓總理以及很多國家的總統、總理頒授了世界和平獎,從沒有退回的先例, 凡是本會做出的決定並已經實施了的,是十分嚴肅認真的決定,絕不予以更改。故「世界和平獎頒獎委員會」及「世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會」就此事作出終極聲明: H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛教皇退回教皇權杖及冊封令的做法是不成立的,世界佛教教皇權座只屬於H.H.第三世多杰羌佛,其他任何人不得使用,此為永久性不可更變的定論!


附件1. 世界日報 World Journal – 世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會- 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9-26-2020

附件2. ETtoday 新聞雲_世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會: 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9-24-2020

附件 3. Asian Journal–The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together with Religious Leaders Title Awarding_9-26-2020

附件4. Yahoo News 雅虎新聞_The Return of the Pope of Buddhism Scepter by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was Rejected_9-27-2020附件 5. 對南無第三世多杰羌佛佛教教皇的部分媒體報導 Some of the News Media Coverage on the Pope of Buddhism His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III 


The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together With Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council:

The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable

On September 24, 2020, the Chairperson of both the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council Suzi Leggett announced the ultimate resolution of the two Councils at the Holy Miracles Temple of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters: “The return of the conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else.”

In 2018, after extensive vetting, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council officially conferred the title of Pope of Buddhism to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter was signed and presented by the then Chairperson of the two Councils Han Min Su. Nonetheless, to everyone’s surprise, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was totally unmoved by the noble status and tremendous honor that came with the Pope of Buddhism title, and did not accept the conferment. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said: “Within the field of Buddhism, there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. There are titles of Dharma kings, rinpoches, Dharma masters, eminent monastics, greatly virtuous persons, and Holy Gurus. There is no need for a Pope. I am a humble cultivator. I am not able to take on such a heavy responsibility.”

When the World Buddhism Association Headquarters presented the conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter that they received to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, His Holiness the Buddha saw that there was a seated statuette of Namo Shakyamuni Buddha on the Scepter and immediately raised the Scepter above His own head to show respect to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, the Lord of Buddhism of the saha world. No one would have anticipated that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III actually returned the conferment decree and Pope Scepter directly to the two Councils.

 In today’s announcement, Chairperson Suzi Leggett said: “Over the past several decades, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council has presented the World Peace Prize to President Ronald Reagan, Hon. Mahatma Gandhi, H.E. Yitzhak Rabin, and presidents and prime ministers of other nations. There has never been a precedence of retraction. All determinations made and implemented by our Councils are very solemn, serious, and absolutely cannot be changed…The return of the conferment decree and Scepter of the Pope of Buddhism by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is deemed not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else. This is a permanent and unalterable determination!” Despite the fact that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III still would not accept the conferment, Chairperson Leggett once again presented to the World Buddhism Association Headquarters the conferment decree and Pope Scepter that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III previously returned.   

Venerable Mozhi Rinpoche represented the World Buddhism Association Headquarters to receive the conferment decree and Pope Scepter signifying the conferment of the title of Pope of Buddhism by the two Councils to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. He said, “The World Buddhism Association Headquarters considers the decision made by the two Councils to be a remarkably proper and sagacious. Ever since Namo Shakyamuni Buddha entered parinirvana, there has not been a supreme leader who has the authority to guide all Buddhists the same way that the Buddha did. However, the authoritative position of the Pope of Buddhism certainly is not a role that a leader of a single Buddhist sect would have the attributes to fulfill; rather, the Pope must be a leader who has authority over the entirety of Buddhism, namely, a Buddha. Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III holds the perfect teachings of Buddhism and meets the criteria used by all Buddhist sects to recognize a Buddha. His inherent nature is that of a Buddha, His unsurpassed, complete, and perfect enlightenment is that of a Buddha, and His state of virtue is that of a Buddha. Just based the accomplishment of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform, surpassing His own base weight standard by 59 levels, no one can possibly match such a record. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III also has perfect mastery of Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism, perfect accomplishments in the Five Vidyas, and so forth, all of which truly are attributes of the perfect enlightenment of a Buddha. No other Buddhist Holy Guru in this world possesses such qualities.

“Just by the facts that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III vowed to benefit living beings purely on a voluntary basis and does not accept any offerings throughout His entire life, and that He possesses perfect wisdom and unimpeded accomplishments, no other Holy Guru can be of comparison. Only Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III can take on this immensely noble, holy, and heavy responsibility of the Pope of Buddhism, to properly guide Buddhists onto the correct path of learning Buddhism. Therefore, on behalf of Buddhists, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters thanks the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leader Title Awarding Council for having made the ultimate decision.”

Below is the statement announced by Suzi Leggett, the Chairperson of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council:

The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to

His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable,

The Return of the Conferment Decree is Deemed Not Effectible

 The field of Buddhism in today’s world is rather chaotic, there need to be a preeminent Buddhist leader of authority to lead and correctly point Buddhists to the right direction. All Buddhists know that other than a Buddha, no great Bodhisattva, great Dharma king, great lama, or great Dharma master is qualified to hold the title and status of authority to be the world’s highest leader of Buddhism. In particular, the entire field of Buddhism has now been infiltrated by many fake rinpoches and fake Dharma masters who are not true Buddhists. As a result, Buddhism all over the world has fallen into a state of chaos and confusion.

Within the traditions and formal systems of Buddhism, there are several dozen sects, such as Esoteric, Exoteric, Zen, Pure Land, Mahayana, Theravada, and so forth. Regardless of how high the status of a Dharma king or a great master of any school may be, such a person can only lead their own school. Besides, each school of the sectarian system has also been infiltrated by a great number of fake rinpoches and fake Dharma masters. These people are amateurs who do not understand Buddhist teachings in the Sutras; yet they feign to be greatly virtuous people or eminent monastics. Thereupon, gradually and inconspicuously, evil and non-Buddhists teachings have been mixed into authentic Buddhism founded by Shakyamuni Buddha. This is mainly because there is currently no preeminent leader in the entirety of Buddhism. There is no supreme leader of authority to take hold of true Buddhist teachings and true Buddha Dharma.

Since a Dharma king, patriarch, or great master of any school can only lead their own school, none of them is eligible, either in virtue or realization power, to be the authoritative leader of the entirety of Buddhism. Only a Buddha can be the King of the entirety of Buddhism and the authority in all Buddhist teachings and principles, in the same way the God in Christianity has authority over the entirety of Catholicism. Ever since Buddhist history in this world began with Shakyamuni Buddha, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the only Buddha who has truly been recognized by all major sects of Buddhism. A total of more than 100 documents of recognitions, corroborations, and congratulations have been formally issued by Buddhist leaders, Dharma kings, regent Dharma kings and great rinpoches of all major sects. Such a feat of recognition has never been achieved by anyone else in the history of Buddhism.

 In particular, the Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first person in Buddhism to possess substantive holy realization power of a Buddha and perfectly flawless accomplishments at the pinnacle of the Five Vidyas. His selfless state of virtue is revered by all. His Holiness the Pope of Buddhism is also the one and only who possesses the inherent nature and physical constitution of a Buddha that no other eminent Buddhist monastic or virtuous person in this world has so perfectly attained.

After the Chairpersons of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council Han Min Su and myself, as well as the World Peace Prize Religious Leader Title Awarding Council spent two years vigorously examining all evidences in great detail, we have formally made the ultimate, permanent, and irreversible determination that on January 31, 2018, the conferment decree and the Scepter of the Pope of Buddhism were to be presented to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. That date signified the official ascent of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to the authoritative throne of the Pope of Buddhism.

The World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council had officially conferred the title of the Pope of Buddhism to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in January 2018. However, at that time, the Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III refused to accept the conferment decree and the Pope Scepter, stating His reasons being: “Within the field of Buddhism, there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. There are titles of Dharma kings, rinpoches, Dharma masters, eminent monastics, greatly virtuous persons, and Holy Gurus. There is no need for a Pope. I am a humble cultivator. I am not able to take on such a heavy responsibility.” In light of this, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters took the liberty to accept the conferment decree and the Pope Scepter for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.

 However, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III returned the conferment decree and Pope Scepter to the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council. The two Councils deem the return of the conferment decree and Scepter to be unjustifiable. The conferring of the title of Pope of Buddhism was a determination reached by both Councils after serious and solemn vetting, and the conferment has already been implemented. Under no circumstances can we be so lacking in rigorousness to accept the return of the conferment. This decision has been made by the two Councils. This is not a decision for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to make on his own.

Over the past several decades, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council has presented the World Peace Prize to President Ronald Reagan, Hon. Mahatma Gandhi, and H.E. Yitzhak Rabin, and presidents and prime ministers of other nations. There has never been a precedence of retraction. All determinations made and implemented by our Councils are very solemn, serious, and absolutely cannot be changed. Therefore, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council hereby issue our ultimate statement regarding this matter as follows: The return of the conferment decree and Scepter of the Pope of Buddhism by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is deemed not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else. This is a permanent and unalterable determination!

 We wish that under the Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, true Buddhism will greatly flourish, and the world will be greatly benefitted!

Attachment 1. World Journal世界日報- 世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會- 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9-26-2020

Attachment 2. ETtoday 新聞雲_世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會: 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9-24-2020

Attachment 3. Asian Journal–The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together with Religious Leaders Title Awarding_9-26-2020

Attachment 4. Yahoo News 雅虎新聞_The Return of the Pope of Buddhism Scepter by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was Rejected_9-27-2020

Attachment 5. Some of the News Media Coverage on the Pope of Buddhism His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III 對南無第三世多杰羌佛佛教教皇的部分媒體報導

世界和平獎頒獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會聯合決議:南無第三世多杰羌佛退回世界佛教教皇冊封令和教皇權杖是無效的 / The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together With Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council: The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable

#第三世多杰羌佛  #世界佛教總部

發表於 英文文章H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIINews

“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media

“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media1

“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media

Please click the following news links.
            According to the teachings imparted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, to learn from Buddha to cultivate oneself, one must practice in accordance with the Xiaman Most Excellent Oceanic Mind Essence and the Most Excellent Enlightenment State of Emptiness Oceanic Mind Essence; abstain from doing any bad deeds, do all kinds of good deeds, and benefit living beings. Only this is the proper undertaking. That is why His Holiness the Buddha did not agree that the Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform should be conducted. In order to obtain the support of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III for conducting the Exam, the Holy Gurus deliberately set up a ruse and then requested that His Holiness the Buddha be present to observe the proceedings. Consequently, when H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III did come, the situation was set up in such a way that His Holiness the Buddha could not decline to help and took action to resolve the conundrum.            The criterion a Vajra King of Great Strength must meet is to lift the Pestle onto the Platform at a weight surpassing His base standard by 30 levels. That is the highest level. That is to say, throughout history, the maximum level that any powerful Champion of Great Strength, Tremendously Great Holy Guru of Marvelous Enlightenment, or Tremendously Great Holy Guru of Equal Enlightenment had been able to attain was 30 levels above Their base standard. Astonishingly, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III lifted the 420-pound Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle with one hand and held it for over 13 seconds, surpassing His base weight standard by 56 levels. It was proven that His Holiness the Buddha is an unprecedented Vajra King of Great Strength for Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. The Holy Gurus said that the record set by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III clearly pointed to the fact that the intrinsic quality of His Holiness the Buddha is that of a true Buddha. They also said that this record was unprecedented in history and They dared to predict that no one in the future will ever be able to break this record.          This Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle is kept at the Holy Miracles Temple in California in the United States. All are welcome to come and, with sincere respect and piety, lift the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle. Doing so will bring magnificent blessings and auspiciousness to you. 
True Buddha Dharma Factually Manifests Realization Power, False Buddha Dharma Is Only Empty Theoretical Talk
H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Was Compelled and Could Not Decline
“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media1
Elderly Holy Guru Kaichu Jiaozun who is almost 90 years old lifted a 200-pound Vajra Pestle from the ground and held it for seven seconds before placing it onto the Platform
“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media2
Three of the fingers of Kaichu Jiaozun were deformed from an old injury of broken bones. He lifted this 200-pound Vajra Pestle with this crippled hand.

February 12, 2020 (Los Angeles)

In the Great Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha at the Holy Miracles Temple, a Dharma Assembly about the true realization power of Buddha Dharma was held: The Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. The purpose of this exam is to verify how the true realization power of Buddhist cultivators learning from Buddha to cultivate themselves changed the degree of the physical conditions of their bodies. Unexpectedly, this Exam inadvertently required the involvement of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III who was compelled and could not decline the request to resolve a difficult situation.

What is meant by Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform? Vajra pestles are commonly found in shops selling cultural relics and antiques. These pestles range from 10 to 400 jins, equivalent to approximately 11 to 440 pounds. This kind of huge pestle is from Tibet; they are called Platform Pestles. They come in different styles such as the Phurba Pestle, Five-pronged Pestle, Nine-pronged Pestle, Kalachakra Vajra Pestle, Yamataka Vajra Pestle, Guhyasamâja Vajra Pestle, and more. Some Platform Pestles were made during the Era of Sutra, Illusion and Mind at the Early Propagation Period. Some Platform Pestles of correct standard were made based on the system revamped by Guru Padmasambhava during the Later Propagation Period. People commonly regard these as art objects. Rarely do people know that the pestles were in fact used for directly testing practitioners’ realization power from practicing true or false Buddha Dharma in ancient time. Those who were tested were required to lift the vajra pestle off the ground, hold it for a required duration of time and then place the pestle onto the platform. This kind of test is called Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform.

Proven by real practice, using one hand to lift a Platform Pestle is extremely difficult. Someone who can lift 1,000 jins (approximately 1,100 pounds) with two hands cannot even lift 300 jins (approximately 330 pounds) off the ground with one hand. According to the Dharma rules, each person has a weight standard that they have to reach based on their respective age and body weight. One who reaches their standard is called a Healthy Physique Man. Exceeding the level of Healthy Physique Man is surpassing the standard. Going below the level of Healthy Physique Man is subpar. There are a total of 30 levels above, and five levels below.

Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform is the most scientific testing mechanism for verifying whether a person is of ordinary physical condition or possesses the composition of a holy person. The physical composition and condition of a holy person is completely different from that of an ordinary person. Both have the appearance of a person. However, their inner properties are completely different. Just like a pigeon and an eagle. They have the same appearance of a bird, but their inner properties and their strength are vastly different. Such differences naturally exist. A professional strong man trains himself every day, and only after 10 or up to 20 years is he able to become a strong man of exceptionally strong physique. However, his physique is strengthened due to cumulative practices. The essential quality of his physique has not changed. He is unable to transform the physique or functions of an ordinary person and cannot become liberated from the ordinary to become holy. A holy one who has learned and practiced true Buddha Dharma can surpass the physical condition and strength of a strong man of great strength by many times.

One who surpasses their weight standard by 12 to 19 levels is an elementary level Holy Guru, by 20 to 25 levels is a mid-level Holy Guru and surpassing 26 to 29 levels is a Great Holy Guru. When one surpasses the maximum level of 30, one is a Tremendously Great Holy Guru and a Vajra King of Great Strength. Normally, it is very difficult for an ordinary man of good strength to surpass two to three levels. A national level strong man can surpass up to nine levels. A world-class strong man can surpass 10 levels, but not beyond that. The holy strength generated by the body of a holy person is absolutely not something anyone with the physique of an ordinary person can hope to attain. This is especially true for lifting the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle “Onto the Golden Step,” or “Off the Holy Seat.” Lifting the weight of such a level will cause the bones, tendons, and muscles of an ordinary person to break down and their joints to break apart. One must have the physique and strength of a Tremendously Great Holy Guru in order to lift the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle. We have personally seen the strongest man in Asia Long Wu perform Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. Although he broke his fingers and bled while doing so, he did eventually surpass 10 levels and was awarded the golden belt of Grand Master of Strength, World’s Strongest Man for Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. That was terrific.

On February 9, there was a huge vajra pestle of 420 pounds inside the Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha at the Holy Miracles Temple. That was the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle that was placed on the Golden Step during a Dharma Assembly held two days earlier by Holy Gurus. Other than Tremendously Great Holy Gurus, no one in this world has ever been able to lift it one bit. Since the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle was already placed onto the Golden Step, the Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform could not be conducted. This was because according to the Dharma rules, when this Pestle is on the Golden Step, the Vajra Hook cannot be used to lift any pestle. Otherwise, it is against the rules. Everyone was very worried and all those who have good physical strength came forward, but no one was able to lift that Pestle off the Holy Seat with one hand. They used their utmost effort to lift this Pestle off the Golden Step, but the Pestle did not move one bit. The Dharma Assembly could not proceed. It happened that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III had accepted a respectful request to make His presence at this Dharma Assembly to observe the proceedings. Everyone then beseeched H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to resolve this difficult situation.

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said: “From the beginning, I have disagreed with your conducting this exam. After all this time, all those who were tested were but ordinary people. How many of them are elementary level Holy Gurus? They are not Holy Gurus, they could not surpass more than 10 levels! Let whoever put this pestle onto the Golden Step take it down.” The Dharma masters replied that it was placed up there by a Holy Monk. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said: “This is absolutely a mischief. Isn’t this a deliberate intention to make things difficult? He clearly knew that you have to take the Exam today, yet He deliberately set up such a difficult barrier here! Let Him take it down!” The Dharma masters said that this Holy Monk had already left yesterday to propagate Dharma in another state. Reluctantly, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III ascended to the Dharma platform and said: “I did not come to take part in your activities here to lift the pestle, I am just helping you. I will give it a try. I don’t know yet whether I am able to help you bring the pestle down.

After saying that, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III went in front of the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle, and lifted the Vajra Pestle off the Holy Seat with one hand, the Golden Step was removed in accordance with the Dharma rules. At that time, the disciples were tremendously shocked that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, who only weighs between 100 and 200 pounds, have lifted a Vajra Pestle of 420 pounds that even the World’s Strongest Man with a body weight of more than 300 pounds could not lift, surpassing 56 levels. The holy physique and holy strength of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III stuns the world!

Although the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle was lifted off the Golden Step, there was another 280-pound exam pestle on another Golden Step on the floor. This pestle also had to be lifted off the Golden Step before the Exam could go forward. In fact, everyone knew that no one on site could lift this pestle with one hand off the Golden Step. Even the Strongest Man in Asia Lu Xiao could only lift the weight of 226 pounds at his maximum limit the prior December. Today, all the strong men on site enthusiastically came forward to lift this Vajra Pestle. Among these people were some who could lift 700-800 pounds with two hands in a normal weightlifting competition. Surprisingly, they could not lift 280 pounds with one hand today. In the end, only H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIwas able to lift this pestle off the Golden Step with one hand. The Dharma Assembly of the Exam was finally able to proceed.

This unexpected incident that happened before the exam has brought a mysterious and surprisingly joyful discovery. In turns out the rejuvenation achieved by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha IIIwas not limited to the physical appearance, but also included the inner properties. The youthful qualities of His Holiness the Buddha are very many times more than that of young people.

Kaichu Jiaozun of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters, a disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, said, “I dare say for certain here, except for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III who has such holy power, any Dharma king, great rinpoche or Dharma master in this world cannot even think about lifting the Supreme Holy Vajra Pestle one bit!” Kaichu Jiaozun has never practiced any kind of exercises or strength training to improve His physical well-being or learned any martial arts. He is simply a scholarly person who cultivates His conduct, practices meditation and Dharma. This elderly Holy Guru is only two years from 90 years old, and His body weight is less than 190 pounds. Three of His fingers are deformed due to an old injury. Yet surprisingly, He was able to use his crippled hand to lift an Elementary Level Holy Person Pestle onto the Platform according to the Dharma rules, surpassing 16 levels. It is proven that a holy person who has attained a high level of realization does possess supernormal physical condition and strength. Ten years ago, this elderly Holy Guru publicly demonstrated His inner strength from practicing Corpse Pose Tummo Concentration Dharma transmitted by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. His abdomen emits heat reaching 92 degrees Celsius and an egg that was placed on His abdomen was cooked. Surprisingly, at the age of 88 now, He was able to lift the Vajra Pestle with one hand and surpassed the strongest man in Asia Lu Xiao by 14 levels. Can this be done by a human being? It can only be said that this is a god!

People attending the Dharma Assembly unanimously recognized that Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform is the most direct testing mechanism to distinguish between true and false Buddha Dharma, or true and false holy ones. It can be clearly seen who is an ordinary person and who is a holy one simply by means of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. What is most incomprehensible is why the physique and strength of professional strong men, who do strength training every day, would be incomparable to that of someone who does none of that strength training but only cultivates His conduct and practices meditation?

For example, Lu Xiao represented China in the World’s Strongest Man Competition in Malaysia and won the Championship in November 2014. In 2017, he pulled a 184-ton train forward for 20 meters in a New Year’s Gala that was broadcast on TV in Liaoning. On December 27, 2019, at the age of 36 and with the body weight of 350 pounds, he lifted the Pestle onto the Platform in Shenyang, and successfully surpassed his standard by two levels. Yet an elderly Holy Buddhist Guru who is almost 90 years old, and with a body weight between 180 and 190 pounds, was able to surpass Lu Xiao by 14 levels! His Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, is even more inconceivable. Except for one with the innate quality of a Buddha, who could have achieved that? Believe it or not, the fact is right there. No tricks could be used. That was a direct lift of an actual weight. Other than marveling at and recognizing the profundity of Buddha Dharma power, what else can we say? Through this event, the fulcrum supporting all that ambiguous, mystical and empty talks throughout Buddhist history is finally broken. The truth has been revealed through the real fact!

By Younian, senior media writer; photos by Christine Yang, senior teacher in Mass Communications; validated on site by Jennifer HW Tsai, Esquire
“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media4
“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media5
“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media6
“Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform” Reported by Numerous News Media3
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        由于南无第三世多杰羌佛说,学佛修行要修暇满殊胜海心髓和最胜菩提空行海心髓,诸恶莫做、众善奉行,利益众生,这才是正事,不赞成拿杵上座的考试,圣德们为了让羌佛支持拿杵上座,就故意设了一个陷阱,请羌佛来观礼,结果羌佛来了,就造成佛陀无法推托,只得出面解难。金刚大力王拿杵上座的标准是上超30段,为最高顶峰,也就是说历史上无论什么大力士王牌或等妙觉巨圣德上超30 段,就是最高顶峰了,而南无第三世多杰羌佛竟然单手拿起上超了56段的镇殿金刚杵超过了13秒钟,其重量是420磅,成为世界上史无前例的拿杵金刚大力王,圣德们说南无羌佛拿杵上座的纪录是前无古人、也敢预言是后无来者真正佛陀的本质。



2020/02/13   洛杉磯訊


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PDF 眾多媒体报导:真佛法实显道行,假佛法空说理论.pdf
PDF 众多媒体新闻链接-拿杵上座.pdf







#第三世多杰羌佛 #多杰羌佛第三世 #义云高大师 #开初教尊



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真佛法實顯道行,假佛法空說理論1上图:检测真假圣者道行的法会“拿杵上座”考试现场 (摄影:杨慧君)



真佛法實顯道行,假佛法空說理論2上图:年近90岁的圣僧开初教尊用他三根手指头已骨节折断变形的右手,单手拿起了200磅金刚杵上基座,展显了其上超十六段的圣力,远超亚洲第一大力士,惊骇世人。 (摄影:杨慧君)




亚洲第一大力士龙武上图:亚洲第一大力士龙武  图片来自网络


亚洲第一大力士吕潇上图:亚洲第一大力士吕潇   图片来自网络


























“镇殿金刚杵”虽被请下了金阶,但又有新难题。地面金阶上还有一柄280磅重的考试杵,也要提下金阶才能启动考试法会。其实大家知道,连亚洲三十多亿人中的大力士冠军,都没有达到这个拿杵上座纪录,现场哪有人能单手将这柄杵请下金阶呢?在场所有大力士都无能为力。最后还是由南无羌佛单手提起这个金刚杵取下金阶解难后, 应试法会总算正式启动了。
















#第三世多杰羌佛 #多杰羌佛第三世 #義雲高大師 #開初教尊

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世界日報 — 關於 “真佛法實顯道行,假佛法空說理論” 這一文的新聞發佈正確報導

世界日報新聞連結 (繁體) :https://www.worldjournal.com/6779418/article-%E7%9C%9F%E4%BD%9B%E6%B3%95%E5%AF%A6%E9%A1%AF%E9%81%93%E8%A1%8C%E5%81%87%E4%BD%9B%E6%B3%95%E7%A9%BA%E8%AA%AA%E7%90%86%E8%AB%96/



金剛大力王拿杵上座的標準是上超30段,為最高頂峰,也就是說歷史上無論什麼大力士王牌或等妙覺巨聖德上超30 段,就是最高頂峰了,而南無第三世多杰羌佛竟然單手拿起上超了56段的鎮殿金剛杵超過了13秒鐘,其重量是420磅,成為世界上史無前例的拿杵金剛大力王,聖德們說南無羌佛拿杵上座的紀錄是前無古人、也敢預言是後無來者真正佛陀的本質。

















(資深媒體人有年撰稿,資深大眾傳播教師楊慧君攝影,蔡曉薇律師現場公證 )



世界日報 — 關於 “真佛法實顯道行,假佛法空說理論” 這一文的新聞發佈正確報導



#第三世多杰羌佛 #多杰羌佛第三世 #義雲高大師 #開初教尊

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A RECORD IN PAINTINGS Da Li Won Again Creates Sky-High Selling Price Tribune U.S.A. VOL.III No.49 Dec1-7, 2000

The Explanation of the Buddha’s Title – “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III”

On April 3, 2008, a solemn and dignified first-publishing ceremony of a fact-recording book entitled H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, which published jointly by the World Buddhism Publishing LLC and the World Dharma Voice, Inc.,  was held at the Library of the Congress of the United States. The book was also formally accepted into the collection of the Library of the Congress of the United States. Only since that time, did people in the world know that Master Wan Ko Yee, who had been broadly respected by the great masses and who had also been known as Great Dharma King Yangwo Yeshe Norbu, had been recognized by the world’s leaders, regent dharma kings, and great rinpoches of Buddhism through official documents as the third incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, who is the primordial Sambhogakaya Buddha of the universe. The Buddha’s name is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Since then, people began to address His Holiness the Buddha by “Namo  Dorje Chang Buddha III.” This is similar to the situation that Sakyamuni Buddha’s name was Prince Siddhartha Gotama before attaining Buddhahood. However, after Sakyamuni Buddha had attained Buddhahood, His title changed to “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.” That is why we now address His Holiness the Buddha as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.”

In particular, on December 12, 2012, the Senate Resolution No. 614 of the United States Congress officially used “His Holiness” in the name addressing Dorje Chang Buddha III (That is to say, “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.”) Since then, the title and status of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has been definitive by nature. And, as a matter of fact, “Dorje Chang Buddha III” is a name used legally in governmental and official legislative documents. Therefore, the previously used respected name and titles such as “Wan Ko Yee,” Great Master, and Great Dharma King no longer exist.

However, the news below was published before the Buddha’s title of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was publicly announced. At that time, people did not know about the true status of His Holiness the Buddha. Therefore, to respect the true history, we still kept the names used before the title of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was legitimately determined in republishing this news. However, all must clearly know that the only legitimate name of His Holiness the Buddha is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and all other names used before the legitimate determination no longer exist.

[1] “Namo” is a Buddhist term originated from the transliteration of the Sanskrit term “namas” which has the meaning of respect and has been widely used as a prefix for expressing supreme respect when addressing a highest holy being such as a Buddha. It is equivalent to the prefix of “H.H.” used by other religions in western languages (e.g., addressing the Pope of Catholics).


 It has been noted by people that Master Wan Ko Yee, the world famous master of Buddhism and art, set the world record in Chinese art history of the highest selling price of paintings by a painter who is still alive. His painting, “Venerable Da Li Won", again broke his own world record when it was sold at NT$72,000,000.00 (US$2,207,912.00) by Mr. Naylor, an art collector and art merchant from England. Once the selling price was confirmed at the auction, people on the spot clapped their hands continuously for quite a white.

     The year of 2000, the beginning of a new country, people were more impressed by the special honors which Master Wan Ko Yee received. On March 8th this year both government of State of California and government of City of San Francisco separately proclaimed March 8th, 2000 as Master Wan Ko Yee Day based on his amazing achievements in various fields.

     In addition, he received honoray doctorate degree and professorship from ninety-two universities in the United States and other countries all over the world. It was the first and highest honor in history among Chinese worldwide.

    On May 12th the same year in Taipei, at the meeting organized by United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters, 2137 eminent monks and nuns and the great virtuous ones from 416 Buddhist organizations, associations, and temples worldwide unanimously conferred Master Wan Kao Yee as the true Buddhist Master with perfect mastery in both Esoteric and Exoteric Buddhism.

     Talking about art, it is just a small drop of water in the boundless ocean of Buddha Dharma of Master Yee. Since he is a great Dharma King Master with perfect mastery in Esoteric and Exoteric Buddhism and Five Brightness, the Art which is one of the Five Brightness, has made Master Wan Ko Yee reach the unprecedented height in arts including paintings and calligraphy.

     On May 28th this year Unique Art Collections International Co., Ltd. auctioned one of Master Yee’s paintings, “Majesty", at an unprecedented sky-high price of US$455.00 per square inch. It shocked the art circles worldwide.

     On November 26th Unique Art Collections International Co., Ltd. again shocked the world by auctioning the painting, “Venerable Da Li Won", at US$467.00 per square inch. In proved that the skills, styles, and varieties of Master Yee were comprehensive and lofty. Master Yee can use dozens of different skills in painting scenery, figures, animals, flowers, birds, fish, insects, and etc.

     Master Yee is an expert in all styles no matter it is detailed brushwork style, freehand brushwork style, or splashing ink style. All of these new styles were created out of his genuine efforts in traditional fields. Master Yee is the most famous scholar in modern history with his abundant knowledge, distinguished achievement, and many publications. Although his reputation has already spread all over the world, it is hard to find someone like him with such humbleness, sincerity and noble virtue. It has won the recognition of experts in academic organizations worldwide.



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A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism; A Grand Memorial Dharma Assembly Is Held by Buddhist Groups for Layperson Zhao Yusheng

A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism;

A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism;

A Grand Memorial Dharma Assembly Is Held by Buddhist Groups for Layperson Zhao Yusheng


【Reported by Huarenone News Agency from Los Angeles】Nearly 200 dharma masters, rinpoches, monastics, and laypersons from several dozens of Buddhist temples and organizations within and outside of the USA gathered at the chapel of Rose Hills Memorial Park located at Alhambra in the morning of September 2, to hold a grand memorial dharma assembly for Layperson Zhao Yusheng, who attained the accomplishment of a holy and virtuous one through learning the true dharma of the Tathagata. The Buddhist disciples of seven types together chanted respectfully The Buddha Speaks of the Amitabha Buddha Sutra to dedicate the merit to Layperson Zhao Yusheng. The dharma assembly proceeded in a very solemn and majestic atmosphere.

A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism-1

In the introduction, the Chief Abbess of the International Buddhism Sangha Association, Dharma Master Shi Zhengda, who just traveled from mainland China via Taiwan to Los Angeles to attend this memorial dharma assembly held for Layperson Zhao Yusheng, mentioned that Layperson Zhao Yusheng was once a disciple of a man with the last name of Chen. Because he had not learned any Buddha-dharma from this Mr. Chen and instead erred on causality in many circumstances, he became very sick and the illness turned more and more serious. Therefore, he was in great pain and suffered very much. He came to the United States on June 27. That enabled him to learn the true dharma of the Tathagata.

A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism-2.jpgDharma Master Shi Zhengda

Dharma Master Shi Zhengda told the audience that, on the same day of June 27, Layperson Zhao Yusheng had the good fortune to receive a holiest great dharma transmitted to him by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, the supreme leader of Buddhism in the world. Amitabha Buddha was invited to come to the mandala, manifesting in the Buddha’s 32 great appearances and emitting endless light rays from the Buddha’s body. Amitabha Buddha touched Layperson Zhao’s head and gave him a prophecy in person, telling him that Kuan Yin Bodhisattva would be sent to receive and escort him to the Western World of Ultimate Bliss. (Zhao Yusheng had put his personal experience of this event into writing, which was already published on the internet.) On August 24, Zhao Yusheng passed away and reached liberation. The holy state manifested when he followed Kuan Yin Bodhisattva to go to the World of Ultimate Bliss was witnessed by those who were present at the scene.

A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism-3.jpgScene of the Dharma Assembly

Dharma Master Shi Zhengda pointed out that getting such an outcome is the most joyful thing to all of us Buddhist disciples. Layperson Zhao Yusheng was able to learn and accomplish the true dharma of the Tathagata and become a holy and virtuous one of Buddhism in less than two months. This is what we should be happy about him. She hoped that Buddhist disciples as well as living beings can all learn the true dharma of the Tathagata and truly follow the teachings of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Sakyamuni Buddha to cultivate themselves and to remove evil and pursue goodness.

A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism-4Dharma Master Shi Ruo Hui

Dharma Master Shi Ruo Hui, the Abbess of Hua Zang Si described the situation when Layperson Zhao Yusheng passed away and reached liberation. On that day, the sky was completely clear without any cloud and the hot sun was shining intensely. At the time, they stood under the trees and saw nectar descending down like snowflakes. When drops of nectar touched one’s face and body, the feeling was extremely refreshing and cool. They were all very delighted. At the same time, they felt happy and gratified for Layperson Zhao. This is because, only after Layperson Zhao Yusheng had begun to follow H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, did he attain such great accomplishment and did so many auspicious and celebrated phenomena appear. This is truly a very happy and gratifying event.

Layperson Bee Bee Moh and Layperson Zhao Chen who is the daughter of Layperson Zhao Yusheng who had been taking care of Layperson Zhao Yusheng during this entire period all along witnessed the holy state and the auspicious and celebrated phenomena appearing at the time when he passed away and reached liberation.

A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism-5Layperson Bee Bee Moh (left) and Layperson Zhao Chen (right)

Layperson Bee Bee Moh said that, after receiving the dharma and returning to San Francisco, Layperson Zhao Yusheng practiced the dharma every day. Before passing away, Brother Zhao told her that he was about to leave. She helped Brother Zhao to put on the prepared clothing. She said that she was greatly astounded at the time. The Brother left right after saying so. That is truly the freedom from birth and death!!! She and Zhao Chen smelled a special fragrant scent from the Brother’s body. Next, the Brother said, “I will now use my freedom from birth and death to prove that the Buddha-dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the holiest. Chen Baosheng is a demonic devil and demonic evildoer! He is an evil master, big swindler, and a person of sin!” He also said, “The true dharma of the Tathagata is at where our great Buddha Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, is. Okay, okay, I will stop now. Namo Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva has come to receive me!” Layperson Bee Bee Moh spoke about the scene she saw, “At that time, he emitted light from his entire body. I saw the extremely tall and great Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva, radiating strong and intense white light everywhere from His body. Surrounded by five-colored light, Namo Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva was extremely solemn and majestic, standing above the top of Brother Zhao’s head. At this time, I saw that Brother Zhao’s spiritual consciousness, dressed in splendid white clothing and emitting light from the entire body, rushed out from the top of his head toward Kuan Shi Yin Bodhisattva and left in the sky! A neighbor who is an elder lady from Malaysia also saw this scene. She also talked about how the nectar dripped down. The white-colored nectar immediately disappeared after dropping to the ground.”

A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism-6A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism-7Scene of the Dharma Assembly

Layperson Zhao Chen said that, as the daughter, she was very surprised when seeing her father leaving right after saying so! However, seeing the holy state of her father following Kuan Yin Bodhisattva to ascend to the World of Ultimate Bliss and nectar coming down from the sky, she was very delighted and joyful. She also said that her father’s body emitted fragrant scent from time to time after passing away. She had never smelt that kind of body fragrance before. That also belongs to the outcome from her father’s perfection of cultivation. Bee Bee Moh and Zhao Chen witnessed with their own eyes this extremely solemn and magnificent holy state and also felt boundless dharma joy for Layperson Zhao Yusheng’s great accomplishment of ascending to the Western World of Ultimate Bliss and becoming a holy and virtuous one!

A Holy and Virtuous One Attained Accomplishment through Buddhism-8Scene of the Dharma Assembly

Dharma Master Shi Long Hui who is the chairperson of the International Buddhism Sangha Association, Dharma Master Shi Jue Hui, Dharma Master Shi Ruo Hui who is the Abbess of Hua Zang Si, Dharma Master Shi Miao Kong, Song Jie Rinpoche who is the head of the Macang Temple, Dharma Master Shi Yian Gong, Dharma Master Shi Zhi Guang who is the first-monastic of Baota Temple, Dharma Master Shi Zhi Kai and others also attended the dharma assembly on that day.

After the dharma assembly had concluded perfectly, all attendees escorted Layperson Zhao Yusheng’s body of accomplishment to the Rose Hills Memorial Park to be buried there.




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Buddha arrives in the Mission (Hua Zang Si- temple that propagates Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III)

Buddha arrives in the Mission (Hua Zang Si- temple that propagates Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III)


SAN FRANCISCO / Buddha arrives in the Mission / German Lutheran church now serves growing Asian community

(December 31, 2004, San Francisco Chronicle)


Buddha arrives in the Mission (Hua Zang Si- temple that propagates Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III)-1.jpg



Inside an old German Lutheran church in San Francisco, Chinese nuns sit on the glossy wooden floors, wearing headphones, listening to Buddhist mantras on portable CD players.


Gone are the pews and the church piano, but the organ pipes and stained glass windows remain — a backdrop to giant Buddha statues at the Hua Zang Si temple, which opened its doors this week in the Mission District.


The Buddhist temple reflects the changing demographics of this working- class Latino neighborhood, and of the Bay Area.


“As the Asian immigrant population becomes more diverse and complex and comes into money, they want to do things that acknowledge and empower their heritage,” said John Nelson, an associate professor of religious studies at the University of San Francisco. “Temples are community centers, where people go to affirm their identity.”

On Dec. 26, Hua Zang Si began three days of ceremony to celebrate its opening and the birthday of Amitabha Buddha, one of the many Buddhas, who is believed to reside in the land of ultimate bliss. This Sunday, the temple will hold a ceremony starting at 10 a.m. to bless those who died as a result of the quake-caused tsunami in southern Asia.


Built in the 1900s, the structure originally housed St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. Many in the immigrant German congregation likely worked at the nearby tanneries and breweries along Precita Creek, historians say. Located on 22nd Street, the church was just out of reach of the fire that razed much of the city following the 1906 earthquake.

After World War II, German, Italian and Irish families began moving from the Mission to the west side of San Francisco and out of the city.


In 1992, the congregation voted to serve the neighborhood’s growing Latino population, moving to a new church around the corner and renaming itself St. Mary and St. Martha Lutheran.


The old church became a private residence and was to be divided into condominiums, until the United International World Buddhism Association purchased it and the adjoining parish residence for $2.5 million in 2002, according to public records.


And so the temple was born, with a new set of red doors with traditional Chinese lion-headed knockers, Chinese signs and a Buddha in the lobby.


About two dozen nuns live at the temple compound. Each day, they rise around 5 a.m., and do not go to bed until midnight — meditating, praying and studying Buddhist teachings. The nuns watch television to get a better sense of what Americans are like, they say.


The nuns, in yellow and grey robes, venture out in the bustling neighborhood to buy groceries and supplies. The temple is down the street from Castillo Express, Elon’s Beauty Salon and Panchita’s, which serves South American food.


“We’re like other people. We have to eat, too,” Cheng Hsueh Shih said in Mandarin. The rosy-cheeked nun with a shaved head had hip rimless glasses and wooden prayer beads on her wrist. A vegetarian, she has tried the Mission’s famous burritos, but says she prefers Chinese food.


On a recent weekday, passers-by stopped and pointed at the temple, marveling at the Maitreya bodhisattva, or godlike being, visible behind the lobby’s glass doors. Chubby and smiling, he is a future Buddha, and is believed to currently reside in heaven.


“It’s great that it’s still being used for spiritual worship,” said Max Kirkeberg, a professor of geography at San Francisco State University who has chronicled changes to the city’s landscape for decades.


The temple bases its teachings on those of Sakyamuni Buddha, who lived about 2,500 years ago in what is now Nepal. It has not adopted the viewpoint of any particular sect and wants to attract a broad range of followers. Smaller branches of the temple are in San Jose and Sanger (Fresno County). Hua Zang Si joins more than a dozen Buddhist institutions in San Francisco, including the Sokoji-Soto Zen temple in Japantown and the Rigpa Center in the South of Market.


On the first floor of the temple, in the Precious Hall of the Great Heroes, a statute of Sakyamuni Buddha dominates. Skanda bodhisattva, a general clad in armor with a sword, stands to his right, protecting the temple from evil.


The temple’s giant Buddhas were constructed in Taiwan, divided into pieces and reassembled inside by artisans.


Before the Buddhas sit offerings of coffee, grapefruit, apples, boxes of raisins, cans of Coca-Cola, incense and artwork.


Dong Ai-Yuan, a disciple visiting from Fresno, said she became a Buddhist about 15 years ago. The religion helps bring her peace and good luck, and keeps her family safe, she said, adding that she has no fear of the future because she knows what her fate holds.


On the second floor, a 21-foot-tall Amitabha Buddha, draped in a red robe, fills one end of the room.


Before him, a thousand cups of water, changed daily, serve as an offering to Buddha. Nearby is a ceremonial wooden drum shaped like a fish. To learn as much as they can, the devoted must never rest and never close their eyes — like a fish.


The backyard — a city oasis in the shadow of surrounding Victorians —

is home to a magnolia tree, which the faithful say rained nectar for three days, along with a miraculous lotus tub used in the bathing of the Buddha dharma, or teachings.


In front, the building’s cornerstone carries an inscription in German referring to a New Testament text about the house of God, built upon the foundation of apostles, prophets and Jesus Christ.


Now, beside the cornerstone, in gold Chinese characters on black background, a sign reads: This temple will teach you how to become a better person.

Temple facts:

Hua Zang Si is located at 3134 22nd St. in San Francisco. Hours are from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m and is open to the public. For more information, call (415) 920-9836.


Link: http://dharma-hhdorjechangbuddhaiii.org/homage-to-dorje-chang-buddha-iii-buddha-arrives-in-the-mission/

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Wang Zha Shang Zun Held the Dharma Assembly of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue And Determined the Genuine Incarnation of the Buddha

Wang Zha Shang Zun-1

Wang Zha Shang Zun Held the Dharma Assembly of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue And Determined the Genuine Incarnation of the Buddha

(Reported by the Taiwan Times) On September 5, 2015, an unprecedented dharma assembly of “Determining the Status of a Buddha by the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue (Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue is a dharma in Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism for determining the result sought through selection)” was held in the United States of America with the attendance of several dozens of venerable ones, dharma kings and rinpoches, who are from Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism, and dharma masters. The dharma practice was led by Great Rinpoche Wang Zha from Tibet, who once practiced in solitary retreat for 46 years in Tibet and has the realization of Golden Button Grade 3 (having three Sun-Moon wheels) in Buddha-dharma. The decisions by the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue determined that Sakyamuni Buddha is a true Buddha, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is a true Buddha, and Master Hui Neng, the sixth patriarch of the Ch’an (Zen) School, was not a Buddha but was the incarnation of a great Bodhisattva.

At what level is a dharma assembly of determination by the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue? According to the explanation provided by the United International World Buddhism Association Headquarters (UIWBAH) who sponsored the two sessions of the dharma assembly to determine the status of a Buddha, the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue is one of the holy supreme great dharmas and can be used to determine the true or false status of any holy being. In this world, this dharma and the Dharma of Forecasting the Future (announcing events that will happen in the future ahead of time) are the co-champions among the dharmas of decision by selection. The dharma ranked next is the holy inner-tantric dharma of “Bai Fa Ming Men Hei Guan Ze Jue (a dharma specifically used to determine the correct or wrong result).” The next lower dharma is the dharma of dropping divine pieces to receive divine instruction, which is at the inner-tantric level. Then, there are lower, outer-tantric dharmas of lot-drawing from a golden vase, rotating a tsampa ball, watching a sacred lake to see the result, and others. This Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue and the Dharma of Forecasting the Future are the highest dharmas among dharmas of decision by selection to determine the status of either “another person” or “self.” This dharma can only be possessed and commanded by holy ones at the level of great Mahasattvas or higher. Therefore, no great dharma king or venerable one who is not an extremely great holy one can hold and practice this dharma. Even great dharma kings and great venerable ones at the level of Jiao Zun who have the ability of performing inner-tantric initiations do not have the qualification to hold and practice this dharma. Mo Zhi Jiao Zun said, “Although I have just entered the door of holding and performing inner-tantric initiations, I have not touched even the edge of the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue. Only a holy one who has the realization of performing holy inner-tantric initiations that are close to the level of state practice can perform the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue. Otherwise, one is merely dreaming and far away from doing it.”

Why was this dharma assembly held to determine the status of a Buddha by the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue? According to a writing describing the fact by the UIWBAH, the karmic condition rose from the fact that many Buddhists in the world wished to respectfully beseech the contrasting photos of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III showing His returning from an aged appearance to a youthful person three years ago. However, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III did not agree to that. He thought that these were just ordinary photos and were meaningless for people to have. The discussion lasted three years to 2015. The UIWBAH finally got the agreement from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. His Holiness the Buddha donated the two photos of His to the UIWBAH free of charge with a requirement that the UIWBAH can only sell the photo at a low price to those who wish to get it and must not profit from selling the photo. At the end of October of 2015, the UIWBAH published the contrasting photos of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III showing His returning from an aged appearance to a youthful person to the world. This provided people with auspicious and magnificent feelings and abundant joy of Buddha-dharma.

Unfortunately, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III wrote a note for the photos and demanded it to be printed at the lower part of the photo sheet. The note mainly stated that He is an ordinary person like everyone else, He is not a holy person, He has no advantage over other people, He does not know the dharma of returning from an aged appearance to a youthful person, and what people saw was a temporary phenomenon due to a medicine given by an elder virtuous one. On the other hand, UIWBAH stated that many people witnessed the real fact that Wang Zha Shang Zun, who is an outstanding one among great dharma kings, publicly practiced a dharma of empowerment. After a short period of a little over 10 minutes, an elder person whose age was over 60 changed into an appearance of a person who was about 30 years old. Wang Zha Shang Zun used this demonstration to show the fact that the dharma of returning from an aged appearance to a youthful person does exist within the realm of Buddha-dharma. Wang Zha Shang Zun said, “My Buddha Master is the universe. I am only a small piece of stone. Even I can empower a cultivator to return from an aged appearance to a youthful person temporarily. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s realization is millions of times higher than mine. Can you believe that the Buddha Master is an ordinary person?”

Although Wang Zha Shang Zun made the above proof, the speech by His Holiness the Buddha saying that He is an ordinary person just like everyone else made many Buddhist disciples in the world, whose good roots and intelligence are not strong enough, hesitate and be at a loss. They are unsure, with pressure on their mind. All can tell that, in terms of science and causality, how can there exists any miraculous medicine that can completely change a person’s facial features in a short period of a little over 10 minutes? Furthermore, three years have already passed and there is still not even one winkle in H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s face. The skin and flesh on His face are clean and tender with a light ruddy complexion. His appearance is extremely beautiful, handsome, and majestic. Other than a Buddha, how can a Bodhisattva have such extremely beautiful magnificence and how can any medicine create such an effect? Additionally, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s accomplishments of perfect mastery in both exoteric Buddhism and esoteric Buddhism and at the acme of the Five Vidyas are unmatched and incomparable by any holy one throughout the history of Buddhism. Not even one can be found from looking through history, searching the internet, and exhaustive investigations! How could H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III not have advantage over others? Ordinary people do not bear any remote resemblance to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. Then, how could H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III be an ordinary person? On the other hand, should we not listen to His Holiness the Buddha’s speech? Therefore, unintelligent and deluded people feel muddle-headed and do not know what is right.

Considering this situation of cultivators being pressured, the UIWBAH had discussions and decided to provide Buddhists a correct conclusion. For the sake of benefiting living beings, an action that may not respect His Holiness the Buddha has to be taken. Wang Zha Shang Zun, an extremely great holy one at the level of Golden Button Grade 3 or higher, took the lead to practice the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue to determine fundamentally whether the Buddha’s status is true or false. Many cultivators wish to know the situation of the dharma assembly that determined the Buddha’s status by the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue. The following is a report on that dharma assembly:

On September 5, 2015, the historic grand dharma assembly to determine the status of the Buddha using the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue began in a solemn and majestic scene. Wang Zha Shang Zun’s holy arrival was welcomed by Great Holy and Virtuous One Mo Zhi Jiao Zun, Chairman of the UIWBAH Dharma King Gar Tongstan, UIWBAH’s Secretary General Kai Chu Ru Zun, Chief Abbot of the International Buddhism Sangha Association Dharma Master Zhengda, Great Rinpoche Akou Lamo, and several dozens of eminent monks, rinpoches, and dharma masters who were to serve as observing witnesses. They held palms together to greet each other and were seated on the dharma rostrum.

To be fair, the decision by selection was first conducted to verify the status of Sakyamuni Buddha. The beseeching dharma document wrote, “We respectfully beseech a verification from the decision by selection. If Sakyamuni Buddha is truly a Buddha, a crown made by strands of hair will be put on the head. If not, there will be no crown.” First, a portrait of Sakyamuni Buddha was laid on an ordinary four-legged flat table of dark-brown color. Then, a pinch of sand from the Ganges River with the color of light camel wool was picked up and put on the portrait at a spot of hair at the top of the Buddha’s head. Wang Zha Shang Zun began to practice the dharma at a dharma rostrum which was about 13 feet away from the table. After the ritual of knocking the wood fish, ringing the bell, waving the Vajra, performing mudras, and chanting mantras, twelve documents written on yellow papers were burnt. All observing witnesses saw with their own eyes that the sand placed at the spot of hair at the top of the Buddha’s head began to disperse with inconceivable changes. Every grain of sand seemed to be alive. All sand grains moved individually with miraculous transformations to form a crown made of strands of hair, which very naturally and wonderfully stood up above the top of Sakyamuni Buddha’s head. A scene of adding a crown of strands of hair to the Buddha’s top-knot was manifested, proving that Sakyamuni Buddha is a true Buddha.

Immediately after and on the same table, the decision by selection was conducted for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The beseeching dharma document wrote, “We respectfully beseech a verification from the decision by selection. If H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the incarnation of the primordial Sambhogakaya-Buddha Dorje Chang Buddha, a crown made by strands of hair will be put on the head. If not, there will be no crown.” Wang Zha Shang Zun practiced the dharma following exactly the same ritual as before. After the twelve documents were burnt, the sand of the Ganges River with the color of light camel wool that had been flatly put on the spot of hair at the top of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III’s head suddenly had the miraculous transformation of being elevated upward. Sand grains connected with each other to form strands of hair standing in the air. The strands of hair then automatically formed a crown of hair. A 3-dimensional crown was put on the head of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in the portrait, proving that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is a true Buddha coming to the world!

The last decision by selection was to verify whether the Sixth Patriarch Master Hui Neng was a Buddha’s nirmanakaya (meaning emanated body). The beseeching dharma document wrote, “We respectfully beseech a verification from the decision by selection. If the Sixth Patriarch Master Hui Neng is a Buddha’s nirmanakaya, a crown made by strands of hair will be put on the head. If not, there will be no crown.” As before, Wang Zha Shang Zun practiced the dharma following the same ritual and the twelve documents were burnt. Everyone saw that the sand of the Ganges River with the color of light camel wool placed at the top of Patriarch Master Hui Neng’s head had no movement or change at all. Therefore, the conclusion was that Patriarch Master Hui Neng was not a Buddha’s nirmanakaya. So a lower-level status had to be verified by the decision by selection, i.e. to determine whether Patriarch Master Hui Neng was an incarnation of a great Bodhisattva or not. The beseeching dharma document wrote, “We respectfully beseech a verification from the decision by selection. If the Sixth Patriarch Master Hui Neng is an incarnation of a great Bodhisattva, a crown made by strands of hair will be put on the head. If he was not at the level of a Bodhisattva, there will be no crown.” After Wang Zha Shang Zun practiced the dharma, a dharma crown was put on Master Hui Neng’s head. Sand grains formed a crown of hair. However, because Patriarch Master Hui Neng was not a Buddha or a Bodhisattva with universal or wonderful enlightenment, as stipulated by the dharma, the crown of hair did not stand up into the air and become a 3-dimensional crown, but was formed on a flat plane. However, it was very naturally structured and absolutely not something that can be made by humans.

The two sessions of the dharma assembly lasted more than five hours. To show the magnificence and extremely truthful nature of the crowning process through determination by the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue, each of the venerable ones, dharma kings, rinpoches, great dharma masters, dharma masters, great laypersons, and others attending the dharma assembly took a test to crown the visage using the sand from the Ganges River. As it turned out, none of the holy and virtuous ones present who are at the levels of Golden Button Grade 2, Golden Button Grade 1, and Blue Button Grade 3 were able to crown the Buddha’s portrait with sand from the Ganges River. There was no manifestation of power of Buddha-dharma to cause miraculous changes. This proved that the great dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue can only be practiced by extremely great holy and virtuous ones at the level of Golden Button Grade 3 or higher. No one else possesses the realization to practice the dharma successfully.

Wang Zha Shang Zun was very dissatisfied with himself for the first session. He said that his cultivation was shallow and lacked merit and virtue and that his own karmic forces caused him not to practice this dharma of decision by selection perfectly. The reality was that a few people in the observing crowd had their karmic forces become visible during the dharma assembly. They caused disturbance in the Buddha hall when they could not control their excitement upon seeing holy states. They shouted loudly and pushed others. Such disrespect toward the holy dharma kept the outcome from being completely perfect. For this reason, Wang Zha Shang Zun decided to hold a second session of the dharma assembly. Before the second dharma assembly started, Dharma King Gar Tongstan made the rules on behalf of Wang Zha Shang Zun. He announced that onlookers could get closer to watch but no one was allowed to speak loudly or push others. All must have the mind focusing on being respectful before moving closer. Then Wang Zha Shang Zun practiced the dharma. The second dharma assembly had a perfect success with extremely magnificent manifestations, proving again that Sakyamuni Buddha is a true Buddha and H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the incarnation of the primordial Sambhogakaya-Buddha Dorje Chang Buddha. In the process, the sand of the Ganges River of the light camel wool color placed at the top of the head exhibited unimaginably miraculous transformation. A lose-hair crown changed into a head-covering crown and a thick-hair crown changed into a thin-hair crown. The strands of hair gathered or separated as required at different places to knit into a naturally perfect crown. Every sand grain had its own independent life. Some walked extremely fast; some wandered around casually; some followed twisted paths; some traveled past the boundary and then came back; and some climbed from the bottom to the top. The sand grains followed each other one by one to form strands of hair that stood into the air without falling. Eventually, a knot was formed to create a perfect crown for the Sambhogakaya-Buddha. Then, Wang Zha Shang Zun snapped a finger to perform a mudra and the strands of hair fell into a pile of sand with no trace left of the crown. Wang Zha Shang Zun issued a dharma decree to distribute the sand of the Ganges River (which became Vajra Sand after the dharma was performed) to all who were present. Every attendee received a share of the Vajra Sand that manifested the holy crown worn by the genuine incarnation of the Buddha.

The situation at the time was that the dharma was practiced with the same table, at the same position, following the same ritual, and using the same sand of the Ganges River. However, the three hair crowns created were completely different. There was one Bodhisattva two-dimensional crown and there were two Buddha hair crowns that were three-dimensional and stood into the air. The latter two were also different from each other in terms of shape and structure.

All attendees on the dharma assembly on that day took an oath to testify for the above reported true facts, “We all attended the dharma assembly for determining the status of the Buddha by the Dharma of Jin Gang Fa Man Ze Jue as practiced by Wang Zha Shang Zun. We clearly understand and believe in the law of cause and effect. What was stated above is true and without any false statement. If we lied to deceive people, we not only will not become accomplished but also will descend into the three lower realms to undergo extremely miserable suffering. If what was stated above is all true, we wish and pray that all living beings be able to learn the true dharma of the Tathagata from H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Sakyamuni Buddha, attain perfect good fortune and wisdom, and become accomplished and liberated to benefit countless living beings.”

(Translated from a news report in Chinese published by Taiwan Times that can be found online at http://www.twtimes.com.tw/?page=news&nid=545275)

Date of publication: 2016-01-27 09:02:57

Article from: http://xuanfa.net/announcements/wbah-announcements/wang-zha-shang-zun-determined-the-genuine-incarnation-of-the-buddha-through-the-dharma-assembly-of-vajra-dharma-hair/


Wang Zha Shang Zun-2Wang Zha Shang Zun-3


Link: https://goo.gl/Etq7xU

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